Hurry up!!! Admissions on First Come, First Serve Basis.
How to get admission in Darshan Hostel?
To get admission student have to come to our hostel, all the students will be given a Admission Form OR they may get admission form by doing us an email requiring admission form.
All students seeking admission in the hostel are required to submit duly filled hostel admission form with all the enclosures.
Student must paste his one latest coloured photograph at given place on application form besides one additional passport size photograph should be provided along with the form.
Only after the recommendation of warden (Admission In-charge) and approval of Administrative warden the applicant can deposit the hostel fees within the given date.
The room in the hostel will be allotted only after the verification of fees receipt.
For any further enquiry related to hostel admission, the warden (Admission In-charge) can be contacted during day through email or call or visit.
Hostel residents are required to follow the rules and regulations prescribed for them.
Failure to observe discipline or violation of any rule may make a student liable to disciplinary action which may result in eviction from the Hostel.
The hostel administration reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant without assigning any reason.
To get admission, we request you to contact us as soon as possible.